We have a new home on Twitter: @matter!
With great handle comes great responsibility, and we're excited to use ours to elevate curation on Twitter.
As an experiment, we're introducing commands you can use to signal boost and request curation (from Matter staff curators – never bots).
Here's how @-commands work:
Signal boost:
Tweet any recommendation with '@matter signal boost' or '@matter 👀' to submit it as a Staff Pick and Weekly Roundup candidate.
Wild card:
Tweet or reply '@matter wildcard: <topic>' and we'll find a hidden gem for you on that topic. Eg. '@matter wildcard: tennis'.
More like this:
Include '@matter more like this' in any tweet or reply and we'll reply with a curated pick similar to the original article.
In the spirit of experimentation, feel free to try other prompts and see what we come back with. ;)
Please follow us if you don't already, and give these new @-commands a try!